
. These surfaces were created by nature; a portion of them is beyond me and beckons me to expand my sensibilities. Yet the surfaces in these pictures are not untouched.   I have altered them; by inclusion and exclusion with the device of the picture frame, by further eliminations from and additions to what remains within the picture frame, by changing proportion, by creating rorschachs and placing their midpoints, by orchestrating hue, tint, value, and saturation.   I find this a most curious collaboration with the hand of nature. . Every photograph or drawing is such a collaboration. Both modes of expression are subject to their unique processes. A photographer apprehends his subject (a process of recognition and capture); a painter intends his work (a process...

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The Sensual Land

. The Sensual Land Explore the series here.   . The Sensual Land is a poetic exploration of the symbiotic relationship between man and nature. Through the integration of the figure and natural features, forms and textures, the boundaries of the “self” and notions of the “other” are called into question, blurring the distinctions between seemingly discrete entities and events in time. Dramatic visions of their mutual interpenetration point directly to the subtler evidence of their inseparability. The work suggests that the cycle of life and death, even identity, can be looked at as an integral process rather than a series of discrete events. This vision evokes a more primal way of relating to the earth as conscious, animate and unified rather than the traditional...

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Rites Of Passage

  . Rites Of Passage . Get the book here. Explore the series here. . . I constantly sift through my collections: collections of rocks, shells, bones, drawings, photographs. Often I will spread them out across the surfaces of the tables in my studio. As I sort through my materials, images will come to mind and I will make notes of them. To these I will add the images that come in dreams or in waking reveries in nature. I consider my sketches diagrams — blueprints or seeds for the future. They are stored until I find the right time to realize them. . Most of the ideas in the Rites of Passage series are taken from my sketchbooks and were intended to be drawings. Then the computer came into...

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First Impressions

. Impressions of digital work to date . It’s been said before. Digital imaging will revolutionize image making in the 21st century. It will have effects on western civilization as far reaching as the invention of photography, which it will alter irrevocably. . Most of the work produced digitally to date is commercial and as such, it has generally been very slick and contrived work. As an art form in its infancy, digital imaging has produced a morass of day-glow hype, but on the edges a few individuals have begun to produce some very sensitive and thoughtful work. . With the arrival of the new comes the need to overcome fascination with novelty in order to approach substance and sophistication — a sophistication born of subtlety and...

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